New Arrivals

Grandma and Grandpa Hope in the back of the Subby with Matrim. The first picture of them with the new early wedding present! Thanks for the camera!
Jory, Joey, Shane, and Jessie are finally here! Nick and Athena have joined me outside to greet them. We are in our driveway in front of our Subby.
Rod and Steve have sampled the Volcano since they got here. Craig is enjoying all the Humoldt and Mendocino beers.
Me and Tom right after a "welcome here" Volcano bag!
Our first time to see Luke since he arrived. He's playing on the beach with Matrim and trying to keep him clean.
Here is Dad and Nick. This is the first I got to see of Dad since I was still sleeping when he came over in the morning.
The first picture I got with Mom and Robert. They stopped in at the house to grab Mat when they got in, but I didn't get them until the beach. This was taken from across the beach and was my first try at holding steady enough for the digital zoom.
Athena W. and Jenny are checking out Justin and Alisha's boy Gage. That's Shane in the background.
Nick just got off the plane. The preacher is here! This is the first time we've got to see Nick in around 2 years!! The flight in from Seattle took him down to San Francisco where he boarded a smaller plane to get to Arcata.
Brian and Athena, probably waiting on me... They also haven't slept yet since driving all the way here from Ogden.
Great pictures!
Wed Sep 14, 05:36:00 AM PDT
Jenny...I didn't find your comment until tonight (Saturday night), so hopefully you will think to call Eric for our phone numbers and we can let you know the folf courses are. Jory is still broken and I have to work, otherwise we'd join you for a round.
Sun Sep 18, 02:58:00 AM PDT
Hopefully that all worked out. Glad you like the pictures. Keep checking back for new comments/pictures!
Tue Sep 20, 05:51:00 PM PDT
Okay, I FINALLY got my happy ass to a computer long enough to browse through the pictures of my amazing first visit to Humboldt!!! I must say, they are amazing! As much as I should've seen these long before now (like, when they were first posted) I'm glad I waited. The memories had just started to fade, but have been totally refreshed by the wonderful photographic stylings of a few stoners I like to call 'friends' :)
Thank you to all those who have either taken or posted these pics! Just like Jenny, I believe my cheap-ass disposable camera to be broken, and have not yet taken it to see if any pics are salvageable.
I hope everyone is well... Also, I am waiting patiently for the day that I am told that there are new baby pics posted here for me to see!!!
Mon Oct 17, 04:58:00 PM PDT
I finally got this darn link to work. I love the photos and thanks for having me to the wedding. Hope your up this way again soon and take care :-)
Wed Nov 02, 01:05:00 PM PST
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