Mat and one of the little girls in his tumbling class walking backward to the end before a jumping finale.
Mat is so excited for tumbling that he has lots of energy to burn and is in motion whenever possible.

Mat doing a back hand spring with his teacher's assistant helping.

Mat's first Tarzan swing and he thinks that if he holds the rope and looks tough he'll swing to perfection.

On the next try he has realized that it is a little harder than it looks. :)

Showing off for the girls and his teacher. ;)

I hadn't thought about old grade school memories of playing with a parachute for a long time until Mat got into his tumbling classes. They're playing Popcorn here. :)

Gathering up the balls after the games.

Just about cleaned up and ready to go.

"Let's all sing the bye-bye song!" They all play the ground drum and say good-bye to each kid and the teachers before getting their shoes on and stamps on their hands. The kids all have pretty good time with each other.
Avi playing in her play pen (haha which she only plays in when in a good mood). :)
The garage is set up for a dry place for Mat and Harley. Mat is kicking goals with his soccer ball and goal setup. We also play basketball and shoot mini disc into the awesome folf basket Athena got me. :)

The book Mat is holding records your voice when you push the button. Mat taught Avi how to "growl" at the book like he does... Our little monsters :)

Alisha and Justin's son Gage and Matrim getting wild.

What's this?... A foot?

Avi loves to sit in seats in ways you are not supposed to (shopping carts etc...) She also likes taking her socks off (losing them in parking lots, stores, etc...)

The girls passed out

Eric seasoned up some delicious pumpkin seeds from our jack-o-lanterns.

Mat having a sample now that they're cool enough

Matrim, Mom, and Avi playing with the car set from Grampa D.

More cars... One of Eric's favorite pics.

Our friendly little visitor... This frog is the smallest one we've seen yet.

Cute little guy.

Just pulled the organic turkey out of the oven.

"It's not easy being a mom - if it was dads would do it"

Mat dialed all the grandparents' phone numbers and told them happy thanksgiving.

The Thanksgiving spread: free-trade organic made-from-scratch banana cream pie, organic candied sweet potatoes with pecans, stuffing, organic cranberry sauce, organic avocado, organic mashed potatoes, a small portion of the organic turkey with Great White beer gravy (not pictured) and rolls.

Avi was the first to start grubbin'

"Whats this? Cranberry sauce?"

Yay! Thanksgiving!

Mats turn to eat dinner.

Avi needed a bath by the end of her meal :)

Athena joining the kids in the playpen at the end of the day.
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