On one of our last trips up the 101 we decided to jump off and take the more scenic Avenue of the Giants as it had been some time since we had done so. On our way we stopped off at some of the scenic stops and some campgrounds to check them out. We ended up finding one campground that had pretty killer camps and hiking trails etc that was in the heart of the giants. We decided to try and camp there on our next camping adventure. And so, over Labor Day Weekend we decided to celebrate our Anniversary there (for those counting that made 2 married and 6 years together).

Of course, as soon as we arrive I ease into a Great White to assist with the usual setting up camp frustration of some sort or other and Aviendha is climbing in the dirt. :) (Actually I was drinking a lot less by this point, but still a whole lot more than now!)

One of my VERY FAVORITE sights to see coming at me! I love having sweet kids who dig all my sappiness and even return most of it! :)

Stealing Mat's chair again.

Matrim always likes to help with the camp breakfast. They usually make us a great scramble with all the fixin's!

What a fun family to camp with!!

One of my favorites of Avi! Athena fixed her hair up cute and her expression is cute.

And the battle is afoot. The same thing ensues every time Mom tries to grease Avi up with bug sprays or sun lotions.

Haha, she tries to run then when she's caught she hits the deck and tries to crawl away.

Save me Dad!!

Off to explore the trails. Mom is hauling Avi on the way in.

We were lucky and there was still one of our top choice camp sites available.

It's disorienting to look up from the base. It's also nearly impossible to convey the mass, age, experience through words or with camera.

You will see many old giants that have been hit by lightning and started on fire, burning from the inside out. And of course people have done it intentionally to hollow out trees for shelters as well.

It's the old man's turn for some extra baggage to add to the exercise.

Needing all the exercise I can get and Mat getting tired at the end of a good, long hike I would pick him up and carry both the munchkins up the hills. And of course, tough Athena carried him some of the time too!

And back to camp for lunch and an after-hike beer.

These three are adorable out in the sunshine!

We stopped in here to check it out and to grab some grub.

It was a beautiful place to eat out in Nature.

Here is the Treehouse built into the base of a Redwood.

We're heading in... :)

It's surprising how much bigger the tree is right at and below ground level than even what you see above ground.
As fun as the camping always is, it is still nice to come back to our comfy bed and shower. :)
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