Jory, Craig, and I hanging out in the parking lot at the camp. The campground is up about a 100 foot cliff from the ocean. There's a trail that follows the edge of the cliff and around and through the camp. Some great views and easy hiking to be had here. Also there is a stairway built into the cliff to get down to Agate Beach. Along this strip of beach you can collect agates that get washed up on the sand. We can't wait to do some more camping next year (after rainy season here) now that we've cut our teeth on our first camping trip here in Humboldt.

Jenny, Athena W., Nick, Brian, and keg #1. ; ) This is the eating area in our group campsite.
Matrim on the loose!
Nick, Athena W., and I were the last 3 up this night (those 2 stayed up and hiked after I went to bed).
The coles are low,
the fire is dead,
I am drunk,
and ready for bed! :)
A couple of my very best friends! Jory, Tom, and I are getting ready for another days mayhem. (As a hopefully hidden enough side note: tom did try a cup of the keg beer!!!)
Almost the whole group of partiers around the fire: Rod, Jenny, Athena, Nick, Steve, Craig, Tom, Athena W., and Brian. Shane and Jessie had to hit the road (unfortunately as I wished they could have camped!) to get 3 states back home. Jory and Joey have crashed (we'll have to get a rain check on the go-juice, party night!!). And Debbie is sleeping in Matilda.

Tom, Jenny, Nick, Athena W., Brian, Rod, and I are getting ready to go for the day. Rod is the first to begin stocking up on keg beer for the days adventures! ; ) Many of us were filling whatever jugs we could find (and hopefully keep cool) of keg beer before leaving the campground.
only two gulps...that stuff's nasty!
Fri Dec 02, 08:29:00 AM PST
Haha, you're damn lucky my mind was too busy that day or I'd have had the camera ready for the visual evidence. ;)
And my Great White from the keg nasty?? It's like liquid mana! LOL
You've probably just lost your taste for beer so far that they probably all taste shitty now. :)
Anyway, THANKS again for the many memories you helped create while you were here! We love ya!
Fri Dec 02, 02:51:00 PM PST
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