This Blog is the journal/scrapbook/photo album etc. that is all about my family and our lives together. Here is where family and friends (and anyone else too, I suppose) can keep up on what's happening with us Mannimals! COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED!! ;) Check back often as we'll respond to comments and make new posts as often as possible!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Jan, 2008: Mannimals Playing With Toys and Around the House

Here are some of the pictures from playing with Christmas toys and being cute around the house:

Avi was nervous when she first got it, but now she likes riding her horse.

Santa had left the kids a note informing them that while he had brought most of the presents to Utah for us, there was one special one he had dropped off for us to open when we got back home!  :)  And Voila...There was a home Bouncer!  These kids must have been on the VERY Good list for Santa to spoil them so!

It is strong enough for Mat and Avi/or a few friends to jump around in there and seems to hold up fine.  Athena is even light enough for it, but I keep my fat ass out.  :)

Avi, rockin her new tye-dye dress and playing with one of her 4 babies and stroller.

Dancing and waiting for the Bouncer to be ready to play in.  They are just too cute!

Mat and his Koala he brought home for a school project about Australia.

Aviendha and her "I listen to Led Zeppelin with my Daddy" t-shirt and Dora backpack!

She will put on her backpack and tell you she's going to school.  Then she waves bye and and says "See ya!"  I'm not sure how I ended up with the cutest little girl in the world, but I did!!

Dad's Little Angel Sweetie!!

Haha. Avi is always taking Mat's or our clothes and wearing them around.

Here she has the Perfect Circle wristband I gave her and Matrims vest on.


Blogger Joey C Johnson said...

Of course I love Avi's shirt!

Wed Feb 20, 04:21:00 PM PST


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