This is a post that somehow got misplaced and left as a draft instead of being posted in sequence originally. I assume Athena would be happy to have it done and posted as this seemed to be a fun day she spent with Avi and Jenny.

Avi inherited her shyness from both Athena and I. Her a little more than me (my shyness for some reason people have often expressed surprise to hear I suffer from) but Athena and I are both prone to starting slow with new people. Avi often takes several times spending time with people before she will let them hold her. She does better with some people than others (Joey was the first person to hold her when she was a baby and she actually did better with her than with her grandparents the first times). She looks a little uncomfortable, but she is letting Jenny hold her which is a big step for her. :)

What a lucky fellow I was! To have been blessed with a gorgeous wife and the most absolutely adorable little girl was more than I deserved. Luckily I was usually aware of the fact and at those times I worked very hard to enjoy it to it's fullest. Carpe Diem to the max! ;) I always have enjoyed getting to watch the kids and Athena spending time together and bonding. This looked like a fun "Girls Day". These two have always looked so beautiful to me out in sunshine. The blue eyes, flawless skin, pretty hair color and texture, and infectious smiles!

Avi loves animals. She has told me several times now that she wants to be a veterinarian. Mat has told me that before too. Maybe one day they can team up and open a brother and sister combo Veterinarian Clinic. :)

Albinos have always been so trippy to me. Here is an albino alligator.

Another angle where you can see it a little better.
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