Oct 29, 2007: Pumpkin Carving Day/Night
This year Athena and I put the kids in the bike carrier and we rode the several miles out to a farm to choose out our pumkins. Matrim got his early on a field trip where they got to go with their fourth grade buddies to pick out their own from a farm. It was quite the work out pulling both kids and the pumpkins but we made it. :) I always love pumpkin day and Athena has to tell me each day that we can't do it yet or they will go bad before Halloween. ;) It's nice too because Athena and Matrim take care of the guts and I focus on seasoning the pumpkin seeds for Athena to cook (we didn't get them in the oven in time this year though, unfortunately) and mounting my poor artistic skills into a feeble plan of jack-o-latern attack.
And here they are all lit up. I love Halloween!!
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