Halloween in Humboldt

Athena, showing Mat the pumpkin guts!
Mat and Athena dug the pumpkin out. We saved the seeds and roasted them up with a secret blend of herbs (no not herb).
Matrim, holding a handful of pumpkin guts!
Matrim is getting Athena with the guts. : )
I did the knife work but we let Mat pick the shapes for me to cut out.
Matrim and Athena are standing out front before we go trick or treating. We made the Jak o Lantern on the right and the one on the left we got from Athena's work (the Natural History Museum).
It was a great day for Halloween. We took Mat trick or treating on the plaza in the mid-afternoon.
Matrim in full-costume, minus 1 glove.
Athena and Matrim at one of the stores.
A shot of the plaza at one point. I wore a toy, Arcata police badge and my DEA (drug endorsement agency) shirt around to scare people and be funny both and it worked pretty well. I had to point out to one hippie (who tried to turn himself in to me for the acid he possessed) that it was endorsement, not enforcement. ; )
This was around our neighborhood. It went really well. The weather stayed nice late into the night. There were several houses that were decorated well. Only 1 scared Matrim (and he almost never gets scared...even when I jump out from behind stuff and startle the hell out of him, he only laughs and laughs after one instant of startled). When we started to go up to a darkened, web-coated front porch Matrim started to get scared and turned up to me and said, "No, lets go back, ok?". Once we assured him it would be ok he braved it for the candy!
Oh my gawd! Poor Athena looks just uncomfortable in that final picture, Mr. Mannimal you should be thankful that the finer sex has to carry the children, because if you or I had to do it, WE WOULD CRY AND WHINE AND FINALLY JUST FALL OVER DEAD, at least I would anyway...
Little Mat is stylin' a new hawk, killer, he is hard core to the max! Does Avi get hawks too? Just wonderin'...
Fri Dec 02, 07:46:00 PM PST
Nope, I wouldn't want to switch and be a woman! They've got the raw deal (except the clit and multiple orgasms, LOL). I'll be making a point about human reproduction and carrying babies here as soon as I can get caught up. :)
I don't think I'll be able to get away with an Avi hawk. ;) I tried telling Athena to get a hawk but she refuses.
Sun Dec 04, 01:43:00 AM PST
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