As you'll see this post is late. It should have been the post following Thanksgiving one. So, my mom missed Avi by about 2 days... Late just like her Dad. ; ) Here are some more pictures from her visit.

Grandma's first night here. Jet-lag and keeping up with our schedule has done her in before I can get her bed ready! :)

Matrim playing Candyland with Grandma.

Grandma in front an old Eureka mansion that is now a country club.

Mat was pretending to be Santa Clause in the tub here. He tried to give himself white hair and a beard with bubbles. ; )

Grandma and Matrim hoopin it up!

Matrim takes Grandma to visit the zoo. It's free/donation to visit. It's small but nice and nestled into one of our favorite parks.

I think this is the reptiles that everyone is gathered around.

Goats are crazy critters.

Grandma gave Mat some change to make a wish and throw into the stream.

Mat likes tractors and trucks.

Matrim on the fake pony for the kids.

Either the llama doesn't like the flash or it's pitying Athena! ; )
I think the llama thinks I'm the one on exhibit ;)
Thu Dec 22, 03:49:00 PM PST
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